Trapper's Tennis Test
Hello Friends,
If I've achieved some bit of celebrity in this world, it's as the purveyor and chief spokestrapper for the world's most delicious beef jerky, and for that I am thankful. But I'm more...
3 Tips for a Successful Hiking Trip
Hello Friends,
Now I'm not usually one to speak highly of my own accomplishments (I prefer to let results do the talking for me) but I am known worldwide as being something of an outdoorsman. There...
Road Trip Ready with Old Trapper
Hello Friends,
In my day, a road trip was no easy thing. They usually involved wagons, ill-tempered mules, dust, and (sometimes) starvation. So needless to say, they weren't undertaken for fun and ...
Old Trapper's Gift Guide for Father's Day
Hello Friends,
Sunday is Father's Day and if you're like many Americans you've just been too busy to buy a gift for dear old dad. Now I'm not here to judge. I understand the way of this modern worl...
Shop, Snack, Repeat
Hello Friends,
Now snacking is a pastime to which I've devoted much of my life's work, so you can imagine it's of high importance to me. Unfortunately not everyone feels the same way. I can't tell ...
Enjoy Your Weekend
Hello Friends,
I hope you all are enjoying this glorious three-day weekend. Time off is a precious commodity in this busy world and sometimes it's hard to convince oneself that it is okay to unwind...
Beauty is Skin Deep
Hello Friends,
Though it's often of profound embarrassment to this Old Trapper, my fans often enquire as to how I've managed to preserve my fine facial features over these many decades. In fact, I ...
Fishing with Trapper
Hello Friends,
It's no secret I'm one of the world's finest freshwater fisherman. You can credit my dedication to the craft, or years (and years) of practice, but you cannot deny my skill. I just ...
#TrapperBeefs: Pastry Problems (Extended Edition)
Old Trapper Beefs: Pastry Problems (Extended Edition)
Don't be an O'Doyle. Snack smart with Old Trapper Beef Jerky.