The Big Beef Box: For The Big Beef Eater
Signs you may be a Big Beef Eater:
A double burger is your single.
The phrase "grass-fed" makes you light-headed.
You have strong opinions about ribeye vs. fillet.
You hide your beef jerky from ...
As I am an old trapper, people often ask how I manage to stay so fit. Friends, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't mostly due to good great genes. I've certainly been fortunate in that de...
Old Trapper Smoked Products to Debut Two-Story Log Cabin and Fireplace Chimney at Sweets and Snacks Expo
Old Trapper Smoked Products Inc.
P.O. Box 730
Forest Grove, Or 97116
(800) 929-4561
Old Trapper Smoked Products to Debut Two-Story Log Cabin and Fireplace Chimney at Sweets ...
The Easiest Contest in History Begins Today
Today I'm launching #FreeStuffFriday - the easiest contest in history. And winning is easy as 1, 2, 3...
Visit my Instagram page and enjoy all the fun photos and videos of yours truly, g...
Trapper's Travels
Why not go out and live it? But when you do, don't forget the beef jerky.
Has This Ever Happened to You?
TFW: You See One Last Bag on the Rack
Friends, Imagine this scenario: you're casually strolling through your favorite grocery or convenience store, when suddenly you spy one last bag of delicious...
So Many Haikus, So Little Time
Trapper Haiku #1:
Long winter nights need
Outlets creative, or,
the Trapper goes insane
Trapper Haiku #24
A flintlock rifle
Powder, bone-dry and coal-black
Are Trapper’s dear friends.
T.O. Trapper's Photo Album
So I was digging through some boxes the other day and happened upon an old photo album featuring a few candid shots of your truly. And seeing as how this blog space is focused on highlighting the O...
Old Trapper Smoked Products Launches Beef Jerky Delivery App, MeatUp
Old Trapper Smoked Products Inc.
P.O. Box 730 Forest Grove, Or
97116 (800) 929-4561
Old Trapper Smoked Products Launches Beef Jerky Delivery App, MeatUp
“Consumers Can ...